Daycares / Camps / Schools / Corporate

We offer fully customizable programs for daycares, summer camps, schools, and Corporate clients with delivery directly to your location on a daily basis for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  

There are two types of programs:  wholesale and retail.

Wholesale:  we sell directly to you at a discount and you 'mark up' our product to earn the margin that you would like to earn.

Retail:  your customers / parents buy through us and we handle all customer interaction.  Depending on expected volume, we may be able to offer a rebate back to you which is a great way to fundraise at your school or add margin to your business.

All our food is prepared in an AHS inspected commercial kitchen and we are a nut free facility.  Food safety is top of mind for us.

We would love to develop a lunch program with you so please reach out to for more information!